Capitalism The Low Down

Want companies to hire more American workers?

Want companies to hire more American workers? Then stop shopping on a $*!&@ price point! In 2015, U.S. organic sales reached record levels. Up 11% from 2014, sales of organic goods hit $43.3 billion, more than double...
Gaga for Gaga

Gaga for Gaga

Gaga If you’re like most of us, you likely caught Super Bowl LI over the weekend. Besides the history-making overtime win, you may have been happily surprised by Lady Gaga’s riveting half-time performance. Fan of hers or...
International Marketplace 2.0

International Marketplace 2.0: Return of the Money

Why do people do what they do? A few months ago, I visited a newly developed area in Waikiki called the International Marketplace. The International Marketplace is not new, per se. International Marketplace Following an increasing number...
Snow Castles, Specialization, and Low Wages...oh my!

Snow Castles, Specialization, & Low Wages…oh my!

Even while I was living in the ice cold Midwest, before endless summer days and walks to the beach, before snorkeling at Sharks’ Cove, before…ok, ok, you get the picture. The point is… winter...
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